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Thursday, 14 February 2013

A bright new future for Anabat?

The announcement last autumn that Titley Electronics, manufacturer of Anabat had gone out of business was something of a blow. I have never had much good to say about Titley themselves - their abysmal customer service was only latterly mitigated by a helpful UK office. But the Anabat is an excellent bat survey tool and one that would be missed. Furthermore, it was a design that had a great deal of potential for future development (though Titley's developments of it tended more towards gimmick than improvement).

The reaction to Titley's demise was swift. Their only real competitor, Wildlife Acoustics appeared to step up their marketing and Anabats started appearing on eBay for surprisingly low prices. At the end of October came the welcome news that the ashes of Titley had been bought by Elexon, an electonics company specialising in mining equipment.

Since then things have been quiet, presumably whilst the new organisation settles in. Before Christmas I had an interesting conversation with Andrew Dobson, the new UK agent for Titley. Whilst it is too early to make judgements, Andrew is upbeat about Anabat and indicated that Elexon might be keen to fund further development of Anabat.

For those in the Uk with an interest in Anabat, Andrew is hosting an open day at the new Titley Scientific UK office in Coppull, Lancashire on Tuesday 26 February. Chris Corben, the designer of Anabat and Kim Livengood will be flying in from the US and will be delivering free training sessions on a variety of Anabat-related subjects. Having attended Chris and Kim's Anabat seminars in the past I can confirm they are always interesting.

The open day is from 9am to 5pm at the Titley office at Coppull Enterprise Centre, Mill Lane, Coppull, Lancashire PR7 5BW. If you are planning to attend and would like to suggest a subject for Chris to cover email Andrew Dobson:

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